Why RINO's (Republican In Name Only) Want To Take a Wrecking Ball To Trumpism?
By Blogger and Columnist
Jeffery Mcneil
As America approaches Jan 6th, the future of our nation remains uncertain. After nine months of lockdowns, protests, and a contested election, it has brought America to its tipping point. The world watches to see if America continues being the "City Upon A Hill", or will a small cabal of political operatives, usher in what President-Elect Joe Biden calls, " A Very Dark Winter ?"
Since the Hippies in the sixties, there's been a small fringe of Left-wing activists, that romanticize violent upheavals and bloody revolutions. What's fascinating about this period, is disgruntled Republicans have joined forces with Anti-American groups such as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. Furious that President Trump has cut them from his administration, they attempted a soft coup in removing him.
As they invaded countries and destroyed nations. Never Trumpers preach the virtues of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Donald Trump's presidency should've been a small government paradise for the GOP establishment. There's been no better advocate for Conservative principles than President Trump, delivering on tax cuts, removing regulations, and bringing manufacturing back to America. Under Donald Trump's presidency, Americans saw their incomes improve with stock market gains and improvement in their 401ks.
Since Barry Goldwater ran in 1964. Republicans railed about activist judges being on the bench. So it’s strange that Mitch McConnell, who blocked Merrick Garland's confirmation, would betray Donald Trump, who fulfilled the Senate Majority leader with over 300 Conservative Judges in the federal judiciary.
While the media loves pointing to establishment Republicans about a fracturing base. President Trump may be the most popular Republican since Ronald Reagan. Donald Trump's support among Republicans exceeds 90%.
Why is the GOP sabotaging their future for the "Sugar High of a Biden Presidency? Could it be the roots of Never Trump hatred doesn’t come from his policies but ego and jealousy?
Before Donald Trump ran for president, establishment Republicans ran the party into the ground. Since Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, Republicans weren't interested in stopping the spread of Left-wing radicals from infiltrating and peddling Anti-American rhetoric. They were comfortable working in think tanks, doing op-eds, or lobbying for corporate contracts.
They weren't trying to defeat Democrats. They were comfortable being lobbyists and grifters under Barack Obama. Sure, they go on Fox or write an op-ed in the Washington Post or New York Times about the Constitution or Free Markets. But both parties cared nothing about working people or families. They outsourced jobs to third world countries for cheap labor. They yammered for bailouts during the financial crisis while claiming helping working stiffs exploited by bad loans as takers and socialists. They preached deregulations and tax cuts for themselves as they took their profits and hid them in offshore bank accounts.
It’s no secret no one would love to see President Trump leave office, then the Foreign Policy establishment. They've been wrong on everything from Iraq to regime change coups in Libya. The Trump presidency hasn't been good for Neo-cons such as John Bolton, who couldn’t get Trump into Never-Ending wars. President Trump’s policies brought peace around the globe. Americans are tired of Middle Eastern wars and China Centric policies, as establishment hacks champing at the bit for a Beijing Biden presidency.
Joe Biden declared on day one, he will shut down the economy, raise taxes, and increase our deficit with a Green New Deal while killing off the energy industry.
So it bears the question?
Why is a faction of establishment Republicans zealous in certifying Biden's questionable win while alienating their base? If they prevail, this ensures mutually assured destruction for the Republican Party and Democratic dominance for decades to come.
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