How Stopping The Steal Became The New Civil Rights Movement.


By Jeffery Mcneil 

As I watch Stop the Steal Protests across the country.,  I sometimes feel I’m witnessing a reverse Civil Rights Movement.

As once marginalized groups gain political influence, the experiment of distinct groups leaving the old world behind to peacefully co-exist seems to unravel before our eyes. . The roles between the old guard and the marginalized are upside down. Where women and minorities clashed in the sixties for more political influence. Haven't used their influence to open doors for others, but to exact petty revenge for the sins of the past. 

During the sixties, it struck Middle America conscious,  seeing Bull Connor firehose African American children, today watch Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA commit violence in the name of racial justice. How is using violent tactics any different from what segregationists did to Civil Rights activists in the sixties? I grew up when Segregationist politicians threaten violence against Civil Rights protesters, calling them Communist agitators. Now African American politicians such as Maxine Waters threatening Trump supporters, dining in restaurants, or shopping in malls.

After we elected President Trump. The Left violent rhetoric has escalated. Whether from establishment Progressives such as Hillary Clinton or doxing from the Lincoln Project.  to threats of retribution by congressional representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who suggested, there should be a personal list for Trump supporters. 

Seeing society reversed fascinates me. Growing up in the seventies, I was a victim of social upheavals. As a child, I was naïve. Politicians such as Ted Kennedy forced integration, not because they believed in it. They did it out of Noblesse's oblige.  They used both black and white as pawns so politicians could feel self-righteous as they themselves never lived under the policies they impose on others. 

Eventually, the seventies progressed to doors being opened. Nobody shocked seeing woman executives or interracial couples. It's not groundbreaking seeing two guys or girls having their TV show or kissing on screen. America has included more groups than any nation on earth, we have gone from marginalizing Native and African Americans to finding letters in the alphabet to include.  

Where does this rage from activists come from? I continuously hear from Leftists that Trump supporters are Nazis, but I haven’t seen them go into African American and  LGBT communities and tear down their statues or loot their businesses. I watched Black Lives Matter loot Black-owned businesses, claiming they are against systematic racism. How do you tear down the white power structure burning down your communities? 

Since Trump being president, black activists told me Donald Trump forbidden fruit. they shout,  “The Trump supporters racist.” Instead of someone telling me what’s true or false. I went to a DC rally myself. It shocked me to discover that these weren’t Klan rallies as presented by the media. The protests reflect the country; I saw Hispanics, Native Americans, and other ethnic minorities. 

They all felt like me. I had it !!! I’m not a racist, but if you're going down a path that leads to evil and destruction, I don’t want no part of it. . The Trump supporters seemed full of love; the people seemed agitated, where the Left screaming “Racist and Nazi. The Left can never understand I don’t care if you’re an alphabet group, I don’t hate you, but that’s your cup of tea, not mine. I don’t want to cancel you, but you want to cancel everyone that opposes your agenda. 

It’s sad watching what hate has done to them because I once belonged to the Left. I grew up having moms ripping me off of buses and spitting on me. I have forgiven some and made friends with others. I harbor no resentment to them, nor do I want compensation for the path. 

This nation allowed me to escape and settle where I can find people that accept me. I don’t get being miserable and angry about systematic racism when, in the end, you can do something about your circumstance. In America, if you lack something that stops you from improving, you can live the life you want to live. 


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