How Liberals Worship Of Goverment Has Become The New Church

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By Jeffery Mcneil 
Being a Conservative in D.C Is like being Meghan McCain on the View. Like Trump they aren't my ideal Conservatives, but like Trump what I like about her is she doesn't let the liberals on the View bully and intimidate her. While I wasn’t a fan of her father, John McCain ,I feel her frustration being a Conservative in a sea full of liberals. I get they hate Donald Trump but many Conservatives hated Barack Obama but they didn’t attack people that supported him. As Joy Behar and Whoopi continually rant and mock Trump supporters and inbreds and stupid. Meghan tries to explain why people support Donald Trump and if you keep being elitist snobs he will be reelected. However, like many Conservatives, Liberals shout you down interrupt and won’t let Megyn finishes her sentences. The minute she sides with Trump she’s called everything from a Nazi to a white supremacist. Although I despised Megan's father sometimes I feel like giving her a hug because we as Conservatives have to deal with babbling unhinged Trump Hating lunatics, everyday. 
While I support Donald Trump,I’m not a cheerleader or pom pom boy. I consider myself more of a Tucker Carlson, Dennis Prager Republican. Donald Trump wasn’t my ideal choice, but he’s a God send a Conservatives dream come true.Conservative Judges such as Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, I can’t wait until Ginsburg retires and we get Amy Coney Barret and we can repeal the whole sixties bring back the Pledge of Allegiance, and Trump is a firm believer in the Second Amendment, This is Heaven on Earth for those that love America, I love seeing people like Barbra Streisand and Chelsea Handler have meltdowns everyday.  
It infuriates liberals particularly when African Americans, women and minorities go astray and don’t worship Democrats or surrender their will to at the State. If your not a bot or mimic the Left-wing talking points about Russia or question the validity of climate change,gender fluidity, open borders,or whatever unhinged rant by Leftists, You will be ostracized and branded a Nazi and be marginalized and isolated for having an opinion that’s different from the clergymen.  
As with the Great Crusades, where Reformers argued that church and the individual are interwoven of all aspects of human endeavors. Todays Leftist believes that the state should be indistinguishable from the private citizen. Liberals believe in clergymen not commoners having a seat participating in the great experiment known as Democracy. Todays leftist wants to police everything from eating bacon, singing “Baby It’s Cold Outside or watching Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, and Veggie Tales  which are under assault by Left-Wing clergymen as offensive,insulting and racist. 
The clergy has declared by decree Donald Trump,is  worse than Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong il  or even the Saudi Prince who killed and dismembered a journalist. Although the media attacks and say dehumanizing things, while having no respect or reverence for the presidency. They declare he’s a dictator. When you ask how is he a dictator when Putin and Kim Jong IL have killed journalist They yell Nazi !!!! I like to know how is he a fascist,when the Democrats blatantly lied and used false information to block Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court ? If he was a dictator why have a Midterm? Why allow Democrats to gain control of the House. Why have a Supreme Court or a Mueller Investigation. 
The clergy is exasperated,the Deep State thought they would have a soft coup where Trump resigned and now Americans have accepted Trump as president. They fired all theor bullets and all they have is Fake conspiracies stories about Russia. Trump committed treason however you can’t commit treason when you're not at war. 
if Russia was meddling in our election, I don’t get why Progressives aren’t mad at Barack Obama, He had the power to stop meddling.He said it was impossible for Russia to rig the election. Why not be angry at the DNC who used straw votes, Superdelegates, and rigged debates. The establishment crammed Hilary down the sheep's throat when Bernie or Joe Biden may have been better candidates.They played identity politics instead of putting the best candidate out there that’s why Trump is president. Hillary won by 3,million votes she conceded election night,she did recounts,tried to get electors switched, whose fault Hillary Rotten Felon, didn’t secure her emails so Roger Stone and Julian Assange could use sensitive information against her.
I don’t get it, I was disappointed in Barack Obama but I didn’t harass people that supported him, I get they hate Trump!! But you’re not going to make my life miserable.  Nobody cares how you feel about Donald Trump, he won you lost get over it, and if you want unfriend me call me a racist or troll me on FaceBook. I will hit my friendly block button or put you on mute. 
This is America and I fight to defend the Constitution and Democracy. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, when people fear their government there is tyranny when the government fear the people there is liberty. 


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