Should Black Celebrities Meet With President Trump?

Image result for kanye west hugs Donald trump

By Jeffery Mcneil

The black community are in an uproar over Kanye West, and Jim Brown's WhiteHouse visit with  President Trump on prison reform. I don't get it, what is wrong with these people, why are they filled with so much hate ?  I don't agree with everything Kanye West or Jim Brown does but I thought this was America. Since when do blacks have a license on how we should vote ? Liberals claim to be the party of voting rights unless you vote for someone other than a Democrat. Can an African American have another view other then being a victim and wanting public assistance.  

Criminal justice was an issue I thought all blacks supported ? If you call yourself a social justice warrior isn't it selfish that Black Progressives such as Don Lemon and Juan Williams mock those trying to free black men who have been incarcerated and let their pettyness keep them imprisoned  because they personally hate Donald Trump? If the President wants to work with Black celebrities to  address problems effecting the black community and people such as Maxine Waters say they refuse to work with Trump on anything. Then they are putting their selfish interests over the good of the black community. 

Many black  athletes such as Jim Brown and Ray Lewis have done great work in the black community.  Jim Brown’s  Amer I Can helps troubled youths while Ray Lewis Power 52 helps formerly incarcerated inmates find work. Kanye’s wife Kim Kardashian is an incredible women who has worked with Trump on criminal justice something near and dear to the Trump family. So this hating Trump madness, when he’s willing to fix an issue affecting the black community is why we need to evaluate this groupthink mentality. 

You should never put all your eggs in one basket and that’s what the Black community been doing for fifty tears. People say Republicans are racist.However,when blacks began voting Democrats, Franklin Roosevelt wasn’t exactly pro black. he refused to sign Anti lynching legislation,while many of the New Deal legislation excluded African Americans to appease racist Democratic Senators. None of this stopped African Americans from voting Democrat. In 1948 after we fought to defeat Hitler while facing discrimination at home Strom Thurmond walked out and split the party.During the sixties Dixiecrats spat on us, lynched us and George Wallace stood in the doorhouse steps at the University of Alabama but blacks  gave lyndon Johnson 80% of their vote. So does racism prevent Africans from supporting Democrat? 

To my Black brethren quit sipping the wine and read a dam book!!! It was a Republican Judge Earl Warren that passed Brown Vs Board of Education, Dwight Eisenhower began sending federal marshalls to desegregate public schools in the South. Richard Nixon passed the first Civil Rights Bill while John F Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson opposed it. The Civil Rights and Voting Rights was filibustered by Democratic Sen. Al Gore Sr and Robert Byrd while it was passed with Republican votes. If the Civil Rights and the Great Society was so good for African Americans why did so many cities such as Watts,Detroit and Newark end up rioting. 

Donald Trump is teaching African Americans there worth more than Food Stamps and a Welfare check. He’s teaching blacks to build up their own communities rather then looking for Washington to do everything for them. Black people have a one trillion dollar economy way more than they would recieve getting reparations. However, these corrupt black politicians keep leading them down the path of misery.  I don’t want to be a victim nor do I want a free lunch, I want what Trump and Kanye have. The American Dream, I don’t want to listen to limousine liberals that are rich themselves telling me that the American Dream isn’t for me when someones getting off their ass and becoming wealthy 

Get that socialist Marxist nonsense out of my face!!!!! 

It was great to see  Kanye West and Donald Trump have an honest raw conversation with no liberals. I hope they were saying the N word and offending liberals !!!  This is why we love president Trump, he doesn’t hold back !!! Hey, where’s Omarosa!!! 

After Watching Kanye West hug Donald Trump. That may have been the most powerful moment in American history since I was invited to the White House. 

Somewhere Booker T Washington,Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X are  smiling. For Kanye exudes black uplift over victimhood. Truth was, when slaves were freed there were two factions of African Americans ones that fled the South while some had that “We Love Massa “ mindset. Kanye West is the modern day Booker T, a free thinking brother, like Trump they say wild crazy stuff. So does Hillary and Eric Holder. .Kanye,has what Democrats don’t have pure manhood. 

Both Kanye and Donald exude masculinity !!! 


  1. Great article, Kanye is not a stupid person. Democrats
    Obviously can not handle being in power.
    And no matter how hard they try to keep us from speaking
    The truth, the more they look unhinged.
    We are all better off with Trump as president!
    Good job YOU ROCK!


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