Losing Nobly vs Winning Ugly
By Jeffery Mcneil When people whine to me about President Trump, liberals fail to realize he bothers them not me. If you hate Donald Trump that’s your business, you can’t make me hate him. I really don’t care how mad and angry you get because you don’t like our president. If you don’t like how democracy works and how Americans vote. Don’t let the door hit you in the backside !!! When Liberals complain about Donald Trump’s “Moral Character” I say “He without sin cast the first stone” It’s amazing how Democrats sit on their high horse and virtue signal when their the party that defended Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton. Democrats make themselves out to be frauds when they’re the party that encouraged women to be sexually liberated rather then find a suitable partner for a fulfilling relationship. The Bible used Sinners not the Saints, Donald Trump isn’t perfect, However, I’m not looking for a Pope but someone that can run the country and I think Trump’s doing a good job. Thi...