
Showing posts from October, 2018

Losing Nobly vs Winning Ugly

By Jeffery Mcneil When people whine to me about President Trump, liberals fail to realize he bothers them not me. If you hate Donald Trump that’s your business, you can’t make me hate him. I really don’t care how mad and angry you get because you don’t like our president. If you don’t like how democracy works and how Americans vote. Don’t let the door hit you in the backside !!! When Liberals complain about Donald Trump’s  “Moral Character” I say “He without sin cast the first stone” It’s amazing how Democrats sit on their high horse and virtue signal when their the party that defended Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton. Democrats make themselves out to be frauds when they’re the party that encouraged women to be sexually liberated rather then find a suitable partner for a fulfilling relationship. The Bible used Sinners not the Saints, Donald Trump isn’t perfect, However, I’m not looking for a Pope but someone that can run the country and I think Trump’s doing a good job. Thi...

Should Black Celebrities Meet With President Trump?

By Jeffery Mcneil The black community are in an uproar over Kanye West, and Jim Brown's WhiteHouse visit with  President Trump on prison reform. I don't get it, what is wrong with these people, why are they filled with so much hate ?  I don't agree with everything Kanye West or Jim Brown does but I thought this was America. Since when do blacks have a license on how we should vote ? Liberals claim to be the party of voting rights unless you vote for someone other than a Democrat. Can an African American have another view other then being a victim and wanting public assistance.   Criminal justice was an issue I thought all blacks supported ? If you call yourself a social justice warrior isn't it selfish that Black Progressives such as Don Lemon and Juan Williams mock those trying to free black men who have been incarcerated and let their pettyness keep them imprisoned  because they personally hate Donald Trump? If the President wants to work...

How Radical Feminist Bullies Have Steered People To The Trump Train

By Jeffery Mcneil As someone that stood on the front line for women's rights. I've concluded, feminism has lost it's way. Groups such as #Metoo and #Believewomen are no longer about clearing paths for women or combating sexual harassment in the workplace. If that was thier intention feminists would propose meaningful legislation or reforms. However, what #Meetoo and #IBelieveWoman want in thier own words is destroy powerful mens livelyhoods and remove them from power. Although I find it odd that many feminists such such Kirsten Gilibrand, Joy Behar and Alyssa Milano are doing better than most men when it comes to power, salaries and standard of living. So how these feminists fiegn oppression and get away with it bafles me. Whenever,the Left loses election,they try to use the courts to overturn Democracy. Whose fault is it they don't understand the Costitution and Democracy? I told many Democrats for years to leave DC and New York and start talking t...