How Radical Feminist Bullies Have Steered People To The Trump Train
By Jeffery Mcneil
As someone that stood on the front line for women's rights. I've concluded, feminism has lost it's way. Groups such as #Metoo and #Believewomen are no longer about clearing paths for women or combating sexual harassment in the workplace. If that was thier intention feminists would propose meaningful legislation or reforms. However, what #Meetoo and #IBelieveWoman want in thier own words is destroy powerful mens livelyhoods and remove them from power. Although I find it odd that many feminists such such Kirsten Gilibrand, Joy Behar and Alyssa Milano are doing better than most men when it comes to power, salaries and standard of living. So how these feminists fiegn oppression and get away with it bafles me.
Whenever,the Left loses election,they try to use the courts to overturn Democracy. Whose fault is it they don't understand the Costitution and Democracy? I told many Democrats for years to leave DC and New York and start talking to people where Democrats haven't been competitive.Democrats need to be more then shouting,marching and harrassing people out of restaurants or public spaces. The Left is blind and cannot see nobody is Turning Away from President Trump, they are Walking Away from the Democratic Party. As the mob becomes more angry and violent,Americans are becoming less and less intimidated by the Lefts hissy fits and temper tantrums.
As we approach the midterms, I really don’t care what pollsters have to say. These are the same people that predicted Hillary would win in a landslide. Many GOP RINO's such as Jeff Flake and Lisa Murkowski were ready to cut and run when they faced confrontational activists. I praise Donald Trump and his wingman Lindsey Graham and MItch McConell not to back down,cower or cave to the mob. Most of the protesters were paid for by Democratic interest groups. These radical Democrats are proving to be empty suits.
I don;t see a Blue Wave. Trump has the economic wind at his back, He's delivering on his promise with Conservative Supreme Court picks,upholding of the Constitution,a booming economy and low unemployment, I can also go on with North Korea,great trade deals and crippling sanction on Iran. . I see enthusiasm for high taxes,excessive regulations, or an expensive nanny state. There's no appetite for removing Trump from office except from his crazy radical base. The Lame Stream media are becoming irrelavent, people are tuning out the insults and name calling. There nastiness reminds everyone why we support Donald Trump in the first place.
I don;t see a Blue Wave. Trump has the economic wind at his back, He's delivering on his promise with Conservative Supreme Court picks,upholding of the Constitution,a booming economy and low unemployment, I can also go on with North Korea,great trade deals and crippling sanction on Iran. . I see enthusiasm for high taxes,excessive regulations, or an expensive nanny state. There's no appetite for removing Trump from office except from his crazy radical base. The Lame Stream media are becoming irrelavent, people are tuning out the insults and name calling. There nastiness reminds everyone why we support Donald Trump in the first place.
After watching the marches and protests, I feel sad about what the Democrats have become. Their were always fringe elements in the Democratic Party. However there were statesman such as Robert Kennedy,Hubert Humphrey or a Daniel Patrick Moynihan that lowered the temperature rather then raise it. In 1992 Bill Clinton stood up to Sista Souljah that made divise comments. With todays Democratic Party there are no statesman, it’s anything goes and you finally see Conservatives standing up to these bullies.
When I heard the charges against Brett Kavanaugh, I didn't take a side I wanted to hear both sides before I came to a conclusion. Should something you done as a young man disqualify you as an adult ? By those standards we wouldn’t have an Abe Lincoln, Ulysses S Grant, or George Patton. Before the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, I thought all Americans believed in innocent until proven guilty,due process and the right to face your accusers. I was shocked that the Democratic Party that once defended these ideas were ready to throw all this out the window for political ends.
I grew up surrounded by women, which I think helps give me plenty of respect and empathy for women who have been traumatized by abusive men. However, as a man I began hearing feminists say women should be believed no questions asked. What shocked me was male Democrats were ok with women destroying men for political purposes.I can't ever hang out or conversate with people that have a witch hunt mentality. Kavanaugh was lucky, America was watching. Imagine innocent men that don;t have the spotlight and have thier life destroyed because some women feels oppressed. That is what they do in socialist countries such as Venezuela and Cuba.
it is not a myth that women falsely accuse men.. Vandyke Perry and Gregory Counts are two African American men convicted in rape in 1992 because a jury decided to “believe women.” Counts was just freed after 26 years in prison, because the accuser came clean. Those men will never get there lives back while the accuser will never face charges.I truly believe women that rape hustle and put men in jail should be prosecuted until the fullest extent of the law.
.You better I get incense when I see Tweets such as this from feminist Emily Lindin “Sorry. If some innocent men's reputations have to take a hit in the process of undoing the patriarchy, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay”
This is not an acceptable stance.
Yes, I’m sympathetic to women, but I condemn the mob-like culture that’s being created by angry women and feminist. Recently, Ariel Dumas a writer for CBS's "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" said "Whatever happens, I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life,"
Somewhere along the lines the trains have been derailed. Conservatives have dropped the ball with our education system and have let radicals teach our children. This was more than about Brett Kavanaugh, America got a glimpse of what America can become if we’re not vigilant about our Constitution principles and values.
We have to do more then vote we have to reclaim the institutions that made America Great
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