A Coming to Damascus for me, why I like Chris Christie

Chris Christie’s historic victory in New Jersey proves that he is the most popular candidate in America. His numbers were at Nixonian levels by winning 51% of the Hispanic vote and garnering 21% of the Black vote. Even more impressive was winning moderates and independents by over by 66% as well as 32% of registered Democrats who crossed party lines to vote for Chris Christie.

Like many Democrats that supported Chris Christie, I don't agree with him on everything. However I think he’s done a good job in New Jersey. I know the Governor has baggage, New Jersey is a blue state but Democrats such as former Governors Jon Corzine and Jim McGreevey have left the state with scandals, failing schools and  huge debt . Although many point to his battles with teachers unions, many Democratic mayors such as the popular Cory Booker, Adrian Fenty and Rahm Emanuel tried to destroy the teacher’s union also. The teachers battle needed to happen. New Jersey residents pay the highest property taxes in the country and many are tired of seeing  their  tax dollars go to supporting failing public schools and huge teacher pensions.  New Jersey is home to some of the worst schools in the country and many support the Chris Christie position that the best thing we can do for these kids is give them a chance to get out of poverty by either making teachers accountable or shutting these schools down and privatizing them.

Ronald Reagan once said, “I didn't leave the Democratic party, the party left me.” One of the reasons I like Chris Christie is I feel the same way Reagan felt when he left the party. I once considered myself an old school liberal. The Democratic party once stood for issues such as feeding the hungry, supporting public education, and also improving  our infrastructure. Today’s democrats have pivoted to the far left fighting for legalized pot, abortion on demand, and banning trans fat.

The people most impacted by liberalism are minorities. As a black man it’s hard to stomach. When did we start calling ourselves African Americans when many don't know anything about Africa or become involved with climate change? Many of us can't resist greasy pork chops and fried fish. Now we are arm in arm marching with liberals over banning trans fat. The black church was front and center when it came to opposition towards marriage equality -- that was until Obama embraced it. Now every black pastor can't make a sermon without defending gay marriage.

Why minorities walk around calling themselves Democrats I’ll never understand. They are the victims of the Democratic party. No one has been more harmed more by Democratic policies than  black men. In the age of Obama, all metrics for black men have deteriorated as the black male unemployment rate is 12.6 % while those under thirty is 40% ,1 in 6 black males will serve at least two years in prison and 50% of all violent crime are committed by black men.  

I come from the self reliant spirit of Booker T, Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X, strong black men who pulled themselves up. Most black men don't adhere the liberal philosophy of  government handouts but want opportunities to provide for ourselves. We are no different than our white counterparts. We are devoutly Christian and we too don't think it’s okay for our children to smoke pot, or our little boys wearing high heels and lipstick. Many of us are hardworking people and homeowners, we don't want to see our taxes raised to support failing schools and bloated pensions, as well as an immoral agenda that does not reflect the views of the black community or the teachings of Christ.

I am not endorsing Republicans but I do believe black people need to be sagacious in who they elect. Since the 1960's we have blindly given our votes to Democrats who have done nothing but keep minorities in a state of helplessness and dependency. They induce us with government programs then once elected they make secret deals with Republicans and drastically reduce them. Cities like San Francisco, Chicago and Detroit have been ruined by liberal Democrats, as they bury their citizens with crippling debt, budget shortfalls, along with  high taxes.  This has lead to other pathologies such as rampant drug use, crime and prostitution.

This is why I love Chris Christie. His message is the same message that resonated with working class people that supported Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.  Many people see America is becoming a national version of San Francisco and steering too far to the left.  A Chris Christie presidency can save America from itself and put a cork on liberalism.


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