
Did Eighty Million People Really, Sign Up For This?

  By Jeffery McNeil  A small cabal of privileged elites  persuaded Americans to replace God and anoint themselves as the voice of Almighty. Through, the sheer force of their words,  their opinions determine the course for society.  This small group of experts, managers, and academics  convinced millions  to abandon reason and logic; for promises of benefits, based on unsubstantial evidence that's lead to disastrous consequences. While they speak from lofty positions of authority, are our betters wiser and knowledgeable than cab drivers, farmers, or bakers ? The public never sees two bakers getting into theoretical arguments on if it's better to use raisins or cranberry for apple pie?  However, government bureaucrats will wreck society debating meaningless debates on the imperial implications of fixing a pothole. Projects that need completion, get postponed because who, not solutions become the top priority of the expert class. . For the privileged...

Will Lunacy Become Normalized ?

 By Jeffery McNeil  I haven’t written for a while because there’s nothing sane to report. Reason and logic have been replaced by incoherency. In a world full of information. I'm amazed how many people aren't willing to do any research. They rather burn books than read them.   It's no secret America has lost its mooring. Courage has given way to cowardice. Swagger has succumbed to self-loathing and learned helplessness. While all seems lost, I haven't given up on America. But how can the ship be righted? When it appears those steering it seem hell-bent ramming it into an iceberg?  It baffles me, to see those clamoring for socialism, play right into the hands of the millionaires and billionaires that keep them oppressed. The "Woke" cheer for lockdowns, as they crush small business owners while celebrating unemployment and job loss. They say to trust the experts and bureaucrats while lining up the pockets of Amazon and Walmart . Fortune 500 companies would ...

Why RINO's (Republican In Name Only) Want To Take a Wrecking Ball To Trumpism?

By Blogger and Columnist  Jeffery Mcneil  As America approaches  Jan 6th , the future of our nation remains uncertain. After nine months of lockdowns, protests, and a contested election, it has brought America to its tipping point. The world watches to see if America continues being the "City Upon A  Hill", or will a small cabal of political operatives, usher in what President-Elect Joe Biden calls, " A Very Dark Winter ?"     Since the Hippies in the sixties , there's been a small fringe of Left-wing activists, that romanticize violent upheavals and bloody revolutions. What's fascinating about this period, is disgruntled Republicans have joined forces with Anti-American groups such as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA . Furious that President Trump has cut them from his administration, they attempted a soft coup in removing him.  As they invaded countries and destroyed nations. Never Trumpers preach the virtues of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison...

Is A Beijing Biden Presidency A Lock Or, Is President Trump Taking The Media For a Ride?

       By Freelance Writer, and Columnist Jeffery Lyn McNeil       As the January 6th deadline approaches.When Congress certifies the Electoral College Votes . The hidden cabal that’s chained Joe Biden to his radiator for nine months. Will lift him out of his basement to elect him President of the United States.    If you listen to CNN and the Mainstream Media. Joe Biden's presidency is a foregone conclusion  Since they are the arbiters of truth.  Elections are “Free and Fair. ” stop!! To suggest voter fraud occurred in the most “Secure” election ever . Brands you as a Right Wing conspiracy nut who has no honor and should be shamed or ostracized. To make sure nobody investigates what happened on Nov 3 rd . The media went full-fledged Beijing,  censoring anyone that disputes the election results. Twitter has put disclaimers on posts disputing evidence of voter fraud. While  YouTube has censored, demonetized to thr...

How Stopping The Steal Became The New Civil Rights Movement.

   By Jeffery Mcneil  As I watch Stop the Steal Protest s across the country.,  I sometimes feel I’m witnessing a reverse Civil Rights Movement. As once marginalized groups gain political influence, the experiment of distinct groups leaving the old world behind to peacefully co-exist seems to unravel before our eyes. . The roles between the old guard and the marginalized are upside down. Where women and minorities clashed in the sixties for more political influence. Haven't used their influence to open doors for others, but to exact petty revenge for the sins of the past.  During the sixties, it struck Middle America conscious,  seeing Bull Connor firehose African American childre n, today watch Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA commit violence in the name of racial justice. How is using violent tactics any different from what segregationists did to Civil Rights activists in the sixties? I grew up when Segregationist politicians threaten violence against Civil...

America Wrong Turn , Are Our Darkest Days Before Us ?

  By Jeffery McNeil  America has taken a wrong turn, but can we can right the ship?  Thomas Jefferson once said,”  There is no justification for taking away individual freedom in the name of safety..”   Throughout history, the oldest trick for tyrants to seize power was to suspend commercial activity in the name of crisis.  I don’t know how this defeatist mindset permeated our society.  To be afraid until Dr. Anthony Fauci, or the World Health Organization, decides it's safe. It doesn't matter. States such as Texas, Florida, and South Dakota have learned to protect the sick while resuming their daily lives .  Does anyone ask if we all perish, when will society be safe?  Franklin Roosevelt once said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself." How did we go from perseverance to fear-mongering and hysteria? “Roosevelt lived in a period when wars, pestilence, and disease were part of the human condition. Being afraid was not an option, had he’d l...

If Congress Can't Provide Checks For Us, Stop Giving Them Checks This November

  By Jeffery Mcneil  Before the coronavirus pandemic, I considered myself an apolitical person. I never went to community meetings or city council hearings. Nor had I spent time reading an enormous bill such as the HEROES Act or something as wonkish as the DC state budget. However, with the lockdowns stretching on for seven months, I became more active.  Every morning, I check Twitter or watch CNBC and L.A. Late for updates on stimulus relief. I also regularly tweet at or email Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to see if there’s any movement with our stimulus checks.  While I’m not someone who denies the coronavirus's existence, I can question the generals leading us into battle. I have a constitutional right to question whether lockdowns are necessary. And many statehouses are fighting back, questioning whether these restrictions violate our Constitutional rights. Like in Pennsylvania, where a d...