Will Lunacy Become Normalized ?
By Jeffery McNeil I haven’t written for a while because there’s nothing sane to report. Reason and logic have been replaced by incoherency. In a world full of information. I'm amazed how many people aren't willing to do any research. They rather burn books than read them. It's no secret America has lost its mooring. Courage has given way to cowardice. Swagger has succumbed to self-loathing and learned helplessness. While all seems lost, I haven't given up on America. But how can the ship be righted? When it appears those steering it seem hell-bent ramming it into an iceberg? It baffles me, to see those clamoring for socialism, play right into the hands of the millionaires and billionaires that keep them oppressed. The "Woke" cheer for lockdowns, as they crush small business owners while celebrating unemployment and job loss. They say to trust the experts and bureaucrats while lining up the pockets of Amazon and Walmart . Fortune 500 companies would ...