Anarchy disquised as Patriotism

By Jeffery McNeil

The problem with politics today is that the today’s generation doesn’t remember yesterday.

The current fight over the debt ceiling has now become the Cuban Missile Crisis of this administration. Not since the 60s has our nation been this polarized. Our nation has always been divided on all sorts of matters But in times of crisis, politicians put their ideology aside and came together to make sure our country is governed effectively. What was once seemed routine, was to pay our military, our seniors and those who work selflessly to have our government run efficiently.

Today the workings of government are being hijacked by a group of narrow-minded radicals, once at the fringes of society, who now rule mainstream thinking. They are willing to turn our country into Portugal or Greece, if their demands are not met. Financed by right wing propaganda organizations such as Fox News, spewing hatred conjures memories of the dark days when Bull Conner and George Wallace had the pulpit.

This faction is not interested in solving the problems America faces. Their main goal is create anger and revulsion with their twisted ideas of patriotism that only bring acrimony and resentment keeping America constrained.

The irony is the Michelle Bachmans and Grover Norquists who champion the theme of anti- government seem to benefit from the trappings of government. While misleading their flock with a sense of patriotism, they really are showing contempt for patriotism. This is not only fouling the economic recovery, but also is sounding the alarm in countries with whom we have tepid relationships like China and Russia.

To tarnish our reputation as the best currency in the world because Fortune 500 companies may have to pay a jet tax or holding up seniors along with military personal for some political victory is not only un-patriotic it should be considered anarchy and treason.

This battle over the debt is more than just raising the debt. This is about money and interests trying to turn the clock back to the days of Hoovervilles and Shantytowns. Make no mistake - no matter what happens with the debt ceiling this is just the opening volley.

While our President might win this firefight , the poor and the middle class are in a battle for democracy.


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