What Obama Should Learn From The Great Ones
Albert Einstein said “ Insanity is doing something over repeatedly and expecting different results. “ Tea Party insanity is running amok in Washington. Republicans realize they can't win fair elections anymore so they are trying to scrap the whole democratic process. However their temper tantrums are starting to spill over to the world economy and it’s time for the president to stop playing with these people and instill fear. As someone that considers himself more conservative than liberal I encourage him to go rogue. This is not the Republican Party of my childhood. As a resident in New Jersey, we had moderate Northeast Republicans like Christine Todd Whitman and Tom Keane. They believed in free markets but made an attempt to understand working people. They also had respect for the institution of government and those that disagreed with their point of view. My point of contention with the President is that a man concerned with his legacy hasn't learned ho...