The New Left Left Out By Jeffery McNeil Vendor James Madison warned of the dangers of the factions and special interests that would subvert democracy in his Federalist Papers. He was no big fan of partisan politics in general, or of using money and power to influence elections. This same sentiment is often what spawns third party movements. Those movements are nothing new. They are as American as the flag waving on the flagpole outside the White House. There have been both good third-party movements, like the labor movement and the civil rights, and bad movements like the John Birch Society and the Ku Klux Klan. But whether you sympathize or disagree with their cause, third parties can have an impact on society. The approval rating of Congress is at 9 percent, the Republican Party is to the right of planet Pluto, and disappointment with Obama is pretty high. It is no accident that people are protesting in the streets. They are red-hot with anger at the establishment a...
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