Who Will Prosper on the Path to Prosperity?
As the fight about to where to cut spending in the 2012 budget looms on the horizon, members of Congress, mainly Republicans from the far right, have targeted entitlements as the main reason our debt is so high. Fiscal hawks believe that cutting social service programs like Planned Parenthood, food stamps, Head Start and Medicare can balance the budget. Rep. Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity is the Republicans’ talking point. But, in the end, who is going to prosper? This right wing fantasy about dealing with our national debt is nothing more than corporate thievery. I would call it “Robbing Hood” economics--stealing from the poor so the wealthy can go to Aspen. This philosophy of throwing the poor out on their fannies so they get a job seems to appeal to the Southern and Midwest conservatives. You would think that those who want to cut entitlements would also be for ending the tax loopholes and benefits that allow Wall Street to keep stealing money from America. But there seems to be lit...