Being Conservative In Washington DC, Is Like Being A Marano During The Spanish Inquisition

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By Jeffery Mcneil

When your a Conservative living in Washington D.C. sometimes I feel like a Marano during the Spanish Inquisition. During the 15th century Marano’s were Jews living in Spain that were forced publicly to convert to Christianity or be persecuted from Spain.

Today’s Democratic Party has resembled. the Holy Office of the Inquisition where the Constitution been thrown out the window in the Left’s zest to make Trump supporters adhere to their distorted worldview or else !!! These new keepers of the dogma believe only their views are the prevailing wisdom. In their view is abortion is sacred and being pro-life is heresy. If you believe marriage should be between a man and women off to the dungeon, while when Liberalism gets repudiated the excuses are not within but racism,sexism and voter suppression.  Those that reject the dogma are tinfoil hats and conspiracy kooks. In this new world of intolerance ,women are fragile and men are Patriarchal oppressors. If you question the dogma of the church, any attacks towards you is defended because in the Left’s eyes not being angry or caving to the mob doesn’t make you suspect but evil.

  When Democrats such as Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton publicly say dialogue and debate are unnecessary. These were the same tactics used by clergymen during the Spanish Inquisition.towards those that didn’t know their place.  Demagoguery and emotional appeals are the tactics of the clergymen during the 15th century. In modern history Lenin,Mao and Castro all started off as Messianic leaders pretending to be warriors for social justice.They preached the dream of paradise,everything your heart desired.from free college to healthcare.Once in power, they killed off their rivals.

Revolutions eat their own that’s what’s happening in today's Democratic Party. The radical are about purity they don’t understand nuance and complexity compromise means selling out to your oppressors. it will be interesting watching the Democratic Establishment try to lie and manipulate the Socialist wing of Democrats.

It’s going to be fun watching the Alan Dershowitz's of the Democratic Party who are Pro Israel, trying to unite with  Pro Palestinian Social Justice Warriors such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Muslim congress women Rashida Tlaib,Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley an African American congresswoman. All have ties to Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour who believes Israel is an apartheid state and once Tweeted Christian activists Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Ali. saying “ they should have their vaginas removed”  because they don’t share her extreme radical views. It will be interesting watching the Jewish lobby try to pressure their radical base only to discover Social Justice Warriors aren’t ;liberal but don’t share the same views on Israel

It will be fun watching the Frankenstein Democrats created. Stayed tuned will Nancy Pelosi be speaker, Is Ocasio Cortez the latest flash or she going to be around for awhile. While the radicals stay true to rhenself or will they be co opted. We are in a new territory where being a Conservative in Washington DC is equivalent  to being a Maranno during the Spanish Inquisition.


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